Constants are like normal variable, whose value cannot be altered in a program. Constants can be of any of the basic data types like an integer constant, a floating constant, a character constant, or a string literal. There are enumeration constants as well. Constants refer to fixed values. They are also called Literals.
Syntax :
const data_type variable_name;
As mentioned, an identifier also can be defined as a constant.
const double PI = 3.14
Here, PI is a constant. Basically what it means is that, PI and 3.14 is same for this program.
Decimal constants: 0, -9, 22 etc
Octal constants: 021, 077, 033 etc
Hexadecimal constants: 0x7f, 0x2a, 0x521 etc
For example:
For example:
'a', 'l', 'm', 'F'
Escape Sequences
For example:
"good" //string constant
"" //null string constant
" " //string constant of six white space
"x" //string constant having single character.
"Earth is round\n" //prints string with newline
enum color {yellow, green, black, white};
Here, color is a variable and yellow, green, black and white are the enumeration constants having value 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Syntax :
const data_type variable_name;
As mentioned, an identifier also can be defined as a constant.
const double PI = 3.14
Here, PI is a constant. Basically what it means is that, PI and 3.14 is same for this program.
Types of C Constants :
- Integer Constants
- Floating-Point Constants
- Character Constants
- Escape Sequences
- String Constants
- Enumeration Constants
Integer Constants :
- An integer constant must have at least one digit.
- It must not have a decimal point.
- It can either be positive or negative.
- There are three types of integer constants in C programming:
- decimal constant(base 10)
- octal constant(base 8)
- hexadecimal constant(base 16)
For example:
Decimal constants: 0, -9, 22 etc
Octal constants: 021, 077, 033 etc
Hexadecimal constants: 0x7f, 0x2a, 0x521 etc
Floating-Point Constants :
- A floating-point Constants has an integer part, a decimal point, a fractional part, and an exponent part.
- Floating-point Constants are represented either in decimal form or exponential form.
- It could be either positive or negative.
Character Constants :
- A character constant is a single alphabet, a single digit or a single special symbol enclosed within single quotes.
- The maximum length of a character constant is 1 character.
'a', 'l', 'm', 'F'
Escape Sequences :
- There are some characters which have special meaning in C language.
- They should be preceded by backslash symbol to make use of special function of them.
- Given below is the list of special characters and their purpose.
Escape Sequences | Character |
\b | Backspace |
\f | Form feed |
\n | Newline |
\r | Return |
\t | Horizontal tab |
\v | Vertical tab |
\\ | Backslash |
\' | Single quotation mark |
\" | Double quotation mark |
\? | Question mark |
\0 | Null character |
String Constants :
- String literals or constants are enclosed in double quotes "".
- A string contains characters that are similar to character literals: plain characters, escape sequences, and universal characters.
"good" //string constant
"" //null string constant
" " //string constant of six white space
"x" //string constant having single character.
"Earth is round\n" //prints string with newline
Enumeration Constants :
- Keyword enum is used to define enumeration types.
For example:
enum color {yellow, green, black, white};
Here, color is a variable and yellow, green, black and white are the enumeration constants having value 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively.